Our aims are very closely aligned to those of the NHS' s five ways to wellbeing which are well researched.
See below for two papers on the link between photography and wellbeing.
In 2018 Dr Andrew M Cox of Sheffield University and Dr Liz Brewster of Lancaster University published a paper: 'The daily digital practice as a form of self-care: Using photography for everyday well-being' In the introduction they cite: 'We present data from an ethnographic study including interviews and observations to highlight how photo-a-day as a practice functions as self-care and how communities are formed around it. Photo-a-day is not a simple and uncomplicated practice; rather it is the complex affordances and variance within the practice that relate it to well-being. We conclude that this practice has multi-faceted benefits for improving well-being.' Click below to read the full paper.
In 2022 Rebecca K Read, Oliver J Mason and Christina J Jones from the University of Surrey published a randomised control trial exploring the impact of a photography intervention on post traumatic growth during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The background states:Emerging evidence points to rising levels of psychological distress resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a need for self-administered, low-cost, and accessible interventions that facilitate wellbeing and growth.' Click below to read the full paper.